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Research &

At WASABIZ, we have custom tools and data scientists at hand to analyze your product and the market climate and provide you with accurate assessments and advise for the best product localization strategy that meets your business needs.

Even for the most successful companies and products, careful consideration should be given when entering a new market such as Japan. Flexibility, and adaptability to changes should be reflected in your marketing strategy to better suit the Japanese customer base. In order to advise you on how to localize your product for the Japanese market, we at WASABIZ have custom tools and data scientists at hand to analyze both your product and the market.


We collect sales data from Japanese e-commerce platforms such as Rakuten, Amazon and Yahoo Shopping to find shopping trends, plan out potential sales expectations and also report on what your direct competitors are doing in the Japanese market.


Using this data, our team can answer any questions you may have on how to tackle the Japanese market from abroad, all whilst keeping the integrity behind your brand message.

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